Sunday 21 May 2017

Are you a political sleepwalker?

Has any political leader ever gone into an election campaign with such a nasty, divisive and unpopular set of policies as Theresa May?

Just think about what she's saying she will do:

  • Theresa May and the Tories have openly ditched the 2015 pledges to not increase Income Tax and National Insurance. We know they already tried to hike National Insurance in March 2017, but were forced to U-turn by the opposition parties and a Tory backbench rebellion. If Theresa May wins a landslide she'll be able to raise taxes on workers' pay with impunity. Labour has pledged not to raise taxes for the 95%.
  • Theresa May and the Tories are intent on throwing away the Leveson report into press standards. They want to let their chums in the right-wing press can pretend that the hacking of a dead teenage girl never really happened, and that there should be no consequences, and the right-wing press are repaying this favour with the most biased one-sided pro-Tory drivel imaginable during the election campaign.
  • Theresa May and the Tories have announced a very sinister sounding crackdown on the Internet. They want to give themselves the power to decide what counts as "objective" news, and what people should be allowed to see and share on social media. What's the betting that independent media sites that criticise the government (like this one) would be repressed, while the extreme-right propaganda rags (S*n/Daily Mail/Telegraph/Express) would be allowed to continue spreading their divisive hatemongering and lies with impunity?
There's literally something outrageous and unacceptable for pretty much everyone. For the elderly there's the asset stripping of their homes and the scrapped Triple lock on their pensions, for the children there's food snatching and education cuts, for working people there's the spectre of Tory tax rises and an economically ruinous "nuclear Brexit", for patriots there's pro-Chinese Tory treachery,for liberal people there's even more meddling with the Internet in order to stifle dissent, and for non-barbaric people there's fox hunting!

Despite all of these horrific policies the political sleepwalkers will be coming out in their millions to vote Tory on June 8th.

Please tell me you're not one of these drones who will actually go out and vote Tory just because the mainstream media told you to ...

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