Friday 24 May 2019

Theresa May's tears of self-pity

With tears in her eyes Theresa May announced that she will be resigning on June 7th.

Some people will feel pity for her, and believe the mainstream media hagiographies about how "she did her best", but the fact that she cried tears of self-pity as she resigned simply serve to illustrate her selfishness and callousness.

She cried no tears for the Windrush Brits she unlawfully discriminated against and even forced into exile overseas.

She cried no tears for the victims of the Grenfell fire when she rocked up to the scene and refused to even meet the survivors.

She cried no tears for the four million British kids growing up in dire poverty, and even sought to scrap their free school meals and replace them with a 7p per child breakfast.

She cried no tears for the millions of sick and disabled people that her government has systematically abused to the point of literally thousands of people being treated like idle scroungers and told that they're "fit for work" just weeks before their deaths.

She cried no tears for the millions of people who suffered the devastating consequences of Tory austerity fanaticism, and even lied through her teeth that "austerity is over" while continuing it.

She cried no tears for the Yemeni children blown to pieces by the tyrannical Saudi war criminals, in fact she kept on signing more and more arms contracts with them despite knowing that they're using British weapons to commit their war crimes.

Yet she cried tears for herself as she finally let go of her grip on political power.

Many people will argue that she was the worst Prime Minister ever, but in a way she was actually the perfect Tory Prime Minister. A perfect distillation of the utterly selfish, greed is a virtue, rob the poor to give to the rich, 'no such thing as society' Tory philosophy.

The only person she's ever felt sorry for is herself, so don't be fooled into taking pity on her.

If you want to feel sorry for anyone, take a moment to remember the millions of victims of her policies.

And if you don't want to do that, then have some pity on yourself and your fellow Brits, because whichever Brextremist the tiny clique of Tory party members pick out as our next Prime Minister is surely going to be even worse than she was.

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Anonymous said...

hope she rots in hell...

Gulliver Foyle said...

“The only person she's ever felt sorry for is herself, so don't be fooled into taking pity on her”

And don’t be fooled into thinking this is anything other than an entirely Tory created disaster, I think the following sums up exactly what we all should remember: -

“The striking thing about our national response to Brexit has been the bizarre lengths we've gone to for a reason why Brexit isn't the Tories' fault, variously blaming Labour's immigration policies, the snootiness of urban librulz and a conspiracy of Russian tweets, to name just a few.

None of these excuses ring true, because they aren't true. Brexit didn't just fall on Britain out of a clear blue sky. It was willed into existence by generations of Conservative politicians, driven by their donors and applauded to the rafters by their creatures in the press.

Public resentment of the EU was the creation of decades of hard work by Conservative politicians, including the current (Alexander Johnson at the time of writing) Foreign Secretary. The wave of idiotic spite that created a 52% vote in favour of leaving the EU is the product of years and years of made up and half-true tabloid dreck - mostly for profit, but in no small measure because newspaper owners instructed their employees to boost the Conservatives' electoral prospects.

The decision to hold a referendum in the first place wasn't forced on the Tories, but was consciously chosen by David Cameron in a successful strategy to win back the party's plummeting popularity” -

True when it was written, and true now.

Antitoria said...

Good riddance. We await the next disaster, hopefully it won't be as useless as the last one

Anonymous said...

Boom boom Boris will be the next puppet.

Anonymous said...

If we're a laughing stock and a hugely diminished and divided nation now, if TM was self-serving, arrogant, intransigent and incompetent, just wait until Boris is PM (please G-d he won't be). Every sentient being (yes, I include family pets) should then be ashamed to be British.

Lisa H said...

I personally was sickened by her co-opting the amazing Nicholas Winton (who saved unaccompanied child refugees through the Czech Kindertransport) to justify her attempts at 'compromise. This is the Prime Minster (former Home Secretary) who invented the hostile environment and has fought every inch of the way Alf Dubs initiative to bring unaccompanied child refugees from Calais to the UK.

Crocodile tears.

Carol Hedges said...

the govt has just decided to stop taking in migrant per the Dubs Amendment. So there you go. Nasty racist and cruel. As it was under Cameron, as it was when my Jewish refugee parents came here & were interned, & had to rely on charity. She has taken the country from 64% racist to 78% racist, opening the way for Nigel Farage and his openly anti Muslim, anti Jewish views. I am not sure there is a place for me here any more.

Anonymous said...

She was also a horrible nuclear warmonger.

And let us not forget this:

Anonymous said...

What's Farage said that's anti Jewish?

Anonymous said...

The conservatives are majority remain...

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure public resentment of the e.u is mired in decades of British industry being co-opted by transatlantic multinationals. You are aware of the E.Us history there aren't you? You've thoroughly researched your position? I mean I'd hate to be you if it means your views being casually dismantled by easy to find, factual citation?

East Neuker said...

Scotland will have voted heavily for pro remain and pro independence parties. Please remember that the Scottish Greens wholly support independence alongside the SNP. Remainer Unionists will vote Lib Dem, or possibly if they are terminally confused, Labour

England will ignore his and shout abuse as usual. Scotland wants to be a centre left democratic country in the EU. England seems to want to be a right wing isolationist oppressive ally of Trump.

I beseech what friends we have in England to support Scottish independence, and then move here if you want to - generally we like and need new residents.

Anonymous said...

Dont be too sure, Labour holding minority government could well happen.

Anonymous said...

Scotland would be absolutely fucked without UK subsidy and thank God you didnt win the independence referendum. Oil prices tanked straight after, youd have been up shits creak. Actually learn some economics you cleft, lol.

Anonymous said...

She was foolish to take the job on - whoever followed Cameron would be crucified by Brexit.
She then did the job spectacularly badly.
And previously, as Home Secretary, she seemed very detached from the effects of government policy on many vulnerable people.

However, "She cried no tears for ...."? Really?
We simply don't know that. Just because we didn't see something doesn't mean it didn't happen.
I haven't seen Jeremy Corbyn cry over those issues, nor Vince Cable, Nigel Farage, Nicola Sturgeon, or anyone else.
( Nor have I seen Thomas G Clark crying over them. )

But I suppose if someone has a Blog called "Another Angry Voice" then they have to keep making up stuff to be angry about - unless they're just permanently angry to such an extent that reality and facts no longer matter.

Chav Guevara said...

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
I´m glad your gone, I cannot tell a lie...

Wolf said...

If you're concerned about someone "making stuff up" you may be bothered by her lies about "building a country for all" as that was patent bullshit.

Unknown said...

You are exactly right. When I saw this on FB. I had to come here to take a look. She might be rubbish but what a pathetic write up this is. Totally crap. Never mind the fact if you think we have 4million kids growing up in terrible poverty then you need to be put in a proper poor place for a few weeks to realize what a load of tosh this is!

Unknown said...

Well you are a very angry man who wants to put every problem at her door,even it is not her problem,this is totally crap and a voice fircevery kefy going

Unknown said...

Think he is just a permanently angry lefty,she is the person put up as sacrificial

Anonymous said...

Just more scummy nastiness from AAV. The hypocritical Nats should take a look at themselves and realise they are either for unions or against them. Every argument that Nicola Sturgeon has made about the negativities of leaving the EU can be magnified multi-fold when talking about leaving our actual closest and most important partners in the UK.

Why lay into a woman who shows a bit of emotion after struggling for years to do best by the country while people on both sides of the Brexit argument made her job impossible?

Nastiness, that's why. Be decent, be kind - and think of how you could help instead of battering those who try.

Unknown said...

Yes you need people as if you get independence yout tax will go through roof as your subsidised to the hilt ,I would love to see you go as Sturgeon beats independence if she has hlad a bad breakfast

Bmudmai said...

I assume the author of AAV actually cries about every horror publicly? Either that, or I assume the author of AAV never cries? As apparently it is only permissible to cry if you cry about everything. Poor form.

I also assume that Sturgeon, Corbyn etc. are not allowed to get emotional publicly in the future either, as we didn't see them cry about those situations either?

This article is nothing short of disgusting. If this is what being progressive means, then I do not want to part of it.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with AAV...Theresa May is the product of the disgusting right wing establishment that as destroyed the UK and it's people.

Matthew S. said...

(@ Unknown)

"Never mind the fact if you think we have 4 million kids growing up in terrible poverty then you need to be put in a proper poor place for a few weeks to realize what a load of tosh this is!"

Are you one of those people who think people shouldn't be classed as poor unless they live in extreme poverty?

Matthew S. said...

To all the people in the comments section complaining that AAV is picking on Mrs. May because Mr. Corbyn and Ms. Sturgeon didn't publicly cry over tragedies such as the Windrush scandal, Grenfell Tower, the war in Yemen, etc. You're missing the point completely! This article is about how Mrs. May has abused her position of power to commit crimes against her fellow humans, and now she's crying because she feels sorry for herself (and wants us to feel sorry for her, too)!

"I [will shortly leave my job] with no ill will, but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the [capitalist pigs] I love." - Theresa May.

andria said...

Agree. And actually I have been despairing for months at the thought of a Johnson Farage Coalition

andria said...

What he doesn't say is often far more worrying....

andria said...

Good question

Anonymous said...

Where the 78% number come from?

Unknown said...

They were fake, put on for the camera, I can't understand how everyone has believed it

East Neuker said...

Just for the very abusive prat who said earlier on that Scotland would be shafted without English subsidies - why don't you let us go then?
As for your abusive advice about learning some economics, I am a development economist. Where does your knowledge dome from. The little Ladybird book of English superiority? Obviously not from any sensible analysis is the economics of small countries. Continue to hide behind Anonymous, as it will protect you from the laughing and pointing.

Anonymous said...

Wait to see who comes next, they will be worse

Anonymous said...

Hes not said or done anything anti Jewish has he?

Anonymous said...

From full fact, heres the article:

I'd rather not see Scotlands economic devolution from an over reliance upon north sea oil as that part of the economy slumps into further irrelevance. Y'know, cos people will starve.

But you appear to be fine with this?

Anonymous said...

Fyi, Guardian article on slumping oil prices from three years back...

So Scotland is currently losing business from its main form of income and takes on more subsidy then it pays in tax, from the rest if the UK.

How do you deal with these problems without massive cuts to social welfare or spiking taxes?

Anonymous said...

She was probably genuinely crying at the realisation that she was the most inept PM since Callaghan, who's cost British business billions by delaying Brexit and frankly actually tried to thwart the democratic vote from the referendum for the sake of her and her parties business interests in the E.U. she is a remainer along with the majority of parliment (73%) after all.

Anonymous said...

She's a remainer, are you implying that the "capitalist pigs" she serves are in the E.U?

Tim B in DXB said...

Nicely verbal;

Anonymous said...

Who'd've thought so many people from the Theresa May fan club were reading aav?,poor little snowflakes,mummy has left you,time to grow up.

Anonymous said...

..just another thoughtless rant from AAV. He demonstrates his complete lack of humanity by highlighting his inability to separate his own somewhat extreme personal politics from his assessment of others.

Definition: "Psychopathy is traditionally a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits.

... I think Thomas is well on his way.

Imagine a world of "Thomas" where everyone you disagree with about politics is your sworn enemy and you should care less about them or what happens to them. That is the politics of Mao, Marx, Lenin, Kim Jong-un, Maduro, etc. - where the people they disagrees with end up dead by the 100s of millions.

Of course, in a democracy Thomas has the the right and freedom to spew his bile, as do those that also wrote similarly in the comments above.

Corbyn and McDonnell lust for the time when they can implement a totalitarian, authoritarian system where, as always, it ends up with "dissenters" being "disappeared" and freedom and humanity is crushed. Equality is implemented such that everyone ends up equally poor - other than the elite party apparatchiks.

Thomas, and those of like mind and thought, are blessed to enjoy the freedoms of a capitalist democracy - whilst they do their best to undermine and overthrow it via their politics and complete lack of human empathy and compassion.

T'was ever thus.

Anonymous said...

We-ell it makes a change from from bitter socialists desperately scrabbling for their idea of state authoritarianism and economic ideas that managed to absolutely fuck over the UK economy in the seventies. It's ok, if you just put "Democratic" in front of socialism it'll suddenly make centralised economic policies magically work.

Your laughable.

Matthew S. said...

(@ Anonymous)

"She's a remainer, are you implying that the "capitalist pigs" she serves are in the E.U?"

She has served capitalist pigs, in general (but especially the British ones because she's the PM of the UK). The EU is like a capitalist version of a drug cartel; instead of competing with each other, the 1% of each nation co-operate in order to screw us all over.

Unknown said...

Exaggerate much?

Unknown said...

I lived and worked in the 70s much mhch better than this orwellian state of non productive joking finance debt.. You nutter..

Unknown said...

While your all lining up your next leader to lead you to the promise land, spare a thought for us people who have stopped giving consent to this cabal masquerading as a democracy, stop giving them consent to having power of eternity over you, you will get shafted by the statutes and acts they give you, start using your loaf, common law has president over fictional law: IE acts.. Start waking up...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I imagine you're fine with the three day weeks, the outdated coal mining machinery that saw the continuation of black lung amongst miners decades longer then needed, power cuts, bodies piling up at morgues, relentless union strikes...

The absolute stupidity of saying you dont want to live in an Orwellian nightmare by vouching for an authoritarian party like Labour, that would see free speech cut to ribbons and the state involved in every aspect of our lives speaks volumes for your religious zealotry. Twat.

Anonymous said...

You are aware Corbyns outwardly supported authoritarian despots? Tit.

Anonymous said...

And you're ok with Labour wanting to remain in the E.U despite you describing it as a capitalist cartel?

Anonymous said...

You've said nothing useful, this is an inane rant. You've no idea what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

You didnt answer my cited question on economics.

Considering developmental economists have caused the Ghana chicken farming industry to slump into abject poverty thanks to E.U corporate interference dubbed as "welfare", it's really no surprise you haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about.


Anonymous said...

...So, we now have the situation where we probably know that about a third of Labour voters are "leavers" and and about a third of Tory voters are "Remainers". As a result of this, it is highly likely that neither of these two parties can win a majority in an General Election.

I can't see a situation where Tory Remainers will vote Labour or Labour Leavers voting Tory, so, as per the EU Election, the Lib Dems or the Brexit Party will be beneficiaries of Remainers and Leavers that dessert their usual, favoured party.

It appears that Labour are going to move to a Remainer stance (via re-positioning on second referendum) whilst the next Tory leader will inevitably move towards leaving No Deal on the table.

It therefore appears to me that both parties will lose significant chunks of their share of the vote in a GE with the Lib Dems and Brexit Party each winning an important number of Parliamentary seats.

The psephologists will be frantically trying to work out, on a constituency by constituency basis, how this will then resolve in a GE.

Instinctively, I think it is more likely that the Remain vote will be more split in a GE. Corbyn is a marmite leader where even a majority of his own MPs dont like/want him as their leader. Floating Remainers will not go there - they will drift to a mixture of the Lib Dems, Greens, SNP, Plaid, CHUK (although they probably wont exist come a GE). At the other end, Leavers will only have to choose between the Tories and the BP - which suggests less dilution and therefore more seats.

On that basis, we end up with a Tory/BP coalition, post GE.

As an aside, I heard the first public questioning of Corbyn's position as leader by a hard line, well known, Labour supporter this morning on the radio. Given the demise of the Labour vote during his tenure, surely he has to go?

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