Thursday 13 December 2018

Good news workers, you're poorer than you were 8 years ago!

Somehow millions of people still believe the ludicrous fairy story that the Tories are the party of economic competence despite the overwhelming evidence that they're nothing of the sort.

Take this Tweet from Dominic Raab. It clearly shows that UK workers' wages have collapsed in real terms, and that they're only just crawling back towards the level they were at when the Tories came to power in 2010.

The huge dip we can see in the graph that happened between 2010 and 2014 was the longest sustained collapse in workers' wages since records began, and it all came from the economically illiterate Tory assumption that the poorer the workers, the richer the bosses, and the richer the bosses the richer the nation.

This assumption is obvious bollocks because if workers' wages collapse they have less disposable income, and if they have less disposable income the economy flat lines because of the lack of demand (this stuff is so obvious it should barely need stating).

 As a result of this sustained ideologically driven Tory assault on our wages and living standards, British workers are getting one of the worst deals in Europe. The only country where workers have had it worse over the last 10 years is crisis-stricken Greece, while workers in other basket-case economies like Italy, Spain, and Serbia are the only other ones to have endure an entire decade of negative wage growth like the Brits have.

Just look at France, where the gilets jaunes protesters are boiling with rage over falling living standards. In reality they've had a 6% increase in workers wages over the last decade in comparison to the 5% collapse the Tories have inflicted on British workers!

Not only are Brits not out on the streets protesting against conditions that are far worse than in France, they've actually twice re-elected the Tories who did this to them!

The extraordinary subservience of the Brits still isn't even the most incredible thing about this.

Just look at what Dominic Raab has written about the graph he shared.

Not only has he blatantly failed to understand the graph by claiming it shows real wages are "rising at fastest rate in 10 years" when it shows absolutely nothing of the sort*, he also tries to present evidence of 8 ruinous years of Tory wage collapse as "good news for working Britain".

With the Tories there's always the suspicion that they actually understand the truth that wage repression and austerity dogma are appalling economic policies for ordinary people and the economy as a whole, but that they continually spew demeaning economic idiot fodder about how great they are because they arrogantly assume the British public to be a bunch of economically illiterate pisswits.

This Tweet from Dominic Raab demonstrates something even more worrying.

Remember that this was the guy who was until recently entrusted by the Tory government to do the extraordinarily complex and important job of leading Britain's Brexit negotiations. Yet here's absolute proof that he can't even understand a very simple average weekly wage chart.

His ridiculously clueless Tweet is clear cut evidence that he can look at damning proof of the truly appalling consequences of his party's 8 year campaign of austerity and wage repression, and then conclude that his party are doing a fantastic job, and British workers should be thanking them!

The guy just simply doesn't have a clue what's been going on for the last 8 years.

He's so insulated by privilege, so unwilling to think outside the Tory echo chamber, and so economically illiterate that he clearly can't even read a simple chart.

Yet Theresa May and her Tory inner circle actually decided to give this unbelievably useless charlatan responsibility for heading by far the most complex and risky set of negotiations of the entire post-war era!

And even now millions of mainstream media rote-learning dupes still believe the Tories to be the party of economic competence!

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* = The fastest rise in the last 10 years was when the Tories eased wage repression just before the 2015 General Election in the hope that British workers would relieved to be able to breathe again that they'd totally forget whose boot had been standing on their necks for the previous four years.

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