The BBC Breaking News image is familiar to everyone in Britain, and despite their glaring impartiality failings on issues like austerity fanaticism, ridiculously unbalanced political panels, partisan plants in audiences, and their failures to address raging anti-Muslim bigotry in the Tory ranks, they still have an awful lot more credibility than some obscure opaquely-funded Brexit-promoting website.
Hence the Brexit partisans running the obscure opaquely-funded Brexit-promoting website simply rip off the BBC's Breaking News logo in order to con people into clicking the link.
According to the Facebook shares logo on the page, this con works incredibly well, with 30,000+ people having liked the article.
As for the article itself, it's absolutely lamentable. It refers to a supposed 50 page report by the discredited Brexit-fixated economist Patrick Minford, but doesn't even provide a link so you can read and judge this report for yourself.
The audience is simply supposed to believe the idea that Britain would be £135 billion richer based on the say so of the author, a couple of (really quite rubbish) quotes from Minford, and a screen shot of some figures with absolutely no explanation of how they were calculated.
The reality of course is that a chaotic "no deal" Brexit would be the worst possible option for every single region of the UK.
This isn't just my opinion, it's the conclusion of the impact studies the Tory government desperately tried to hide from the British public as they simultaneously threatened to cause a "no deal" calamity if they didn't get their own way.
Once you finish reading the article, the links to other stories on the website provide a very clear indication of the depths these people will stoop to, with one article declaring that the Queen is supposedly furious with Jeremy Corbyn for saying that there should be a confirmatory referendum on Brexit, whatever form it takes.
The source for this bold assertion that the Queen is "angered" by Corbyn and publicly accusing him of "betraying the British people"?
There simply isn't one.
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The lamentable standard of "journalism" on display here would shame even the worst hack in the BBC |
How it's possible to pose as a supporter of the monarch and then ascribe fake and damaging political opinions to her, just to suit your own hyper-partisan political slant?
I'm no supporter of the monarchy but I'd never stoop to making up an opinion and ascribing it to one of them to push my own political agenda, so even anti-monarchists like me have actually got more respect for the Queen than these fakery-peddling Brexit freaks.
In conclusion. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet.
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The lengths these people go to to promote their bullshit is remarkable. I've said for ages, even after we prove Brexit was an horrendous idea they'll still claim victory and put up no end of fanciable rubbish to spite us. The blinkers, like the gammon, are strong with that lot.
I'm just gonna go flat out and say, who cares what the Queen has to say about anything? Apart from the fact that she's an old lady I have zero respect for her. The combined wealth of the gargantuan distraction known as the Royal family would go a long way to sorting this sorry state of a country out, but that's never gonna happen. Either she isn't allowed to intervene, which I doubt considering she's the head of state, or she just couldn't care less about the suffering of her own people. How anybody can respect that is way beyond me.
As for the Brexit bullshitters - Fuck them all
Your internet hard man act is well cringe.
Now imagine how people feel when they see Thomas or anyone on these pages say Socialism will definitely work this time.
"Socialism will definitely work this time." So, money being used to ease the suffering of UK citizens that have been hammered by nearly a decade of austerity is a bad thing, whilst starving the NHS of funds and throwing multiple billions at the DUP, a new floating palace for the Queen and a nuclear deterrent that'll never get used are good things? Yip, Capitalism is definitely working this time.
Oh, and your internet anonymity act isn't just well cringe, it's to be expected of today's cowardly rightist. So go fuck yourself buddie.
Considering this blog outright supports Corbyn who's shown nothing but vocal admiration for Cubas totalitarian system of oppression (they force abortions on women according to the U.N), I wouldn't hold your breathe for that utopia you think will just land in your lap.
Lol, bit of a strawman: Socialism wont work, you must love austerity. Listen to some Mark Blyth and sort yourself out,you're a mess lad, lol.
Corbyn was awarded The Gandhi Foundation International Peace Award back in 2013 and The Sean MacBride (co-founder of Amnesty International) Peace Prize in 2017. So what are the chances of these highly respected organisations handing out peace prizes to people who support totalitarian regimes? Yeah, exactly. Don't smash your keyboard off the wall now, there's a good corporate media parroting puppet.
Startlingly high. Heres a video of him praising Castro...
Lol, gone a bit quiet haven't you. You've smashed your keyboard haven't you? Is it because you're a brainwashed, socialist puppet? It is isnt it.
Grow up man, you're acting like a 10 year old brat. I didn't bother getting back to you cause I'd made my point and didn't see any need to keep it going.
Considering you've invalidated your own argument by parroting the usual warped right-wing fallacies about Castro, and Corbyn, what would be the point? I'd be as well banging my head off a wall cause there's no getting through to closed-minded people like you.
I'm Scottish and an SNP supporter, not against Labour, but not for them either. I can still see what's right and wrong about Corbyn, though. All you see is wrong, which means you're kidding yourself or you're delusional.
So, either debate like a rational person or leave me alone.
Your point was that Corbyn has been given prizes for peaceful action and therefore this was proof that he doesnt support totalitarian regimes. I replied with a video of him praising Fidel Castro, a man with a long history of human rights abuses, torture, false imprisonment, etc. Obviously a rational response to your disbelief that Castro is a monster is needed, so here we go:
Obviously you're weary of right wing bias against Corbyn and Castro, understandably so given our current polarised political climate, I thought I'd use Amnesty International as an example!
So just to confirm that's two sources recognised on a world wide level for their lack of bias (unless you've got some evidence Ambesty or the HRW are making these claims up of course). But both sources state Fidel Castro: imprisoned and tortured political dissidents for extended periods, often preemptively. Also he restricted Cubans basic rights to interact with one another, restricted the internet (cant think why,just have a look at the constructive conversation you and I are having).
It's not looking good for you is it?
I figured a video would be quiet a logical and rational next step, just to put something more human to the atrocities you're either avoiding or ignorant of. Heres a speaker for an amnesty torture rehabilitation centre in Florida talking about torture and survivors who have been tortured under Castros regime. Castros regime, the I posted a video if Corbyn PRAISING.
Corby praised a man who actively encouraged TORTURING his people. I have shown you avideo of Corbyn praising Castro and gave given three examples of the human rights violations documented by an AUTHORITARIAN DESPOT.
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"Lol. OWNED." Are you referring to me kid? So I'm owned because I didn't reply to your right-wing ramblings in a timely manner? Your mind's clearly been made up for you, so what would be the point? You're not willing to accept that you're talking a load of toxic shit and I'm not willing to go round in circles trying to explain what's so toxic about the shit you're talking. So, yeah whatever. I'm now officially Lol. OWNED. by a right-wing child.
Huh, wasnt actually me who replied owned there fella, however just to recap: you didnt believe Corbyn supported dictators or that Castro was a dictator: I provided evidence of Corbyn outright praising Castro and evidence from three different sources (including Amnesty international whom you cited) as torturing people.
Whilst I certainly wouldn't say you were owned I'd state: your point was completely disproven with Lot of evidence.
Castro tortures people, Corbyn supported Castro. You cant handle the truth which is why you've responded as such. You're hilarious.
I could go into a huge spiel explaining how blinkered you are and what it is that makes the right so utterly devoid of honesty & decency, like for example the photoshopped pics of Corbyn supposedly dancing down the road on his way to the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday... or the 'wreath' that he supposedly 'laid' for Palestinian terrorists when there was a hundred miles between where he was and where the Palestinian terrorists are buried... or the recent Panorama hatchet job by the BBC and a Corbyn hating, extreme-right racist who just happens to be an ex-employee of the uber-right gutter rag known as the sun.
I know it would fall on deaf ears, though. So... just remember this - Left is right and Right is wrong. Always.
Get well soon.
You are correct,Corbyn is absolutely misrepresented by the majority of the legacy media (the beeb, sky news, the sun, mail! Etc). However I was not talking about those examples.
I specifically provided evidence that: Castro tortured people and Corbyn praised Castro.
You are deflecting.
If left is always right and you're left and you've just been proven wrong... does that mean youre right wing now?
I'm an honest & decent, forward thinking, non-judgemental individual who'd like nothing better than to peacefully coexist with like-minded people in a world free of hate, greed and petty stupidity.... so what do you think?
That you're incapable of taking on hard evidence that opposes your view and resort to insults. That youve repeatedly proven yourself to be economically and politically illiterate by being unable to answer basic questions about party policies and you assume anyone questioning a view you support is subhuman right wing scum who wilfully turn a blind eye to people dying/poverty/falling living standards rather then trying to work to a logical and practically implementable policy...
Basically you're a historical example of an individual whod champion authoritarianism and state intrusion into every bodies lives and cheer as the people you despise (youve got a lot of hate and vitriol) are dragged out onto the streets to a gulag/prison etc whilst your taxes are raised and living standards plummet beneath a steadily centralised economy.
You basically cant stand people who are different to you and assume if they're different they're evil.
That and your support for the SNP shows you're ok with neo-liberalism and its associated corporatism and corporate welfare/bailouts.
You're a standard internet hard man. I'm not remotely bothered in your opinion of me. Cest tout.
Also: Castro tortured people, Corbyn openly admired Castro, the evidence is all there. It's a prime example of some of the issues you have politically that I raised in the above comment that you simply cant confront this information. Anyway, now, genuine: cest tout.
Right, I'm gonna lay it on the line with you cause I'm pissed off with your shit. Who the fuck do you think you are saying I'm the kind of person who gets off on violence and seeing people dragged into the street? I'm not a militant nutjob like you mate, I'm the complete opposite.
You should try listening to yourself, talking crazy shit about authoritarianism and state intrusion as if that isn't what the Tories are about. Crackpot.
And the SNP, one of the most transparent, progressive, steady and respected governments in the world, are involved in corruption and shady corporate bailouts? Wow! Either you've got some kind of paranoid delusional disorder or you're just some dupe who thinks Murdoch can do no wrong.
We're hurtling through space on a rock. Think about that and be thankful.
Uh huh, yet still you cant confront the fact that Castro tortured people. Case in point.
Corporate media and Tory bullshit;
Castro tortured people and Corbyn praised Castro; ergo, Corbyn is evil/untrustworthy/a wannabe dictator/a threat to national security/fake lifelong peace activist & anti-racist/lord of the anti-Semites/Marxist/Stalinist/IRA sympathiser/Czech spy/Russian stooge/bomber of children and an anti-democratic danger to the UK public who must never be allowed to set foot in No 10.
LoL And you believe that shit.
Whether Castro tortured people or not is none of my concern (or yours), so there's nothing for me to confront. Common sense and reality dictates that Corbyn wouldn't have praised the guy for torturing people. If you can't or don't want to see that, then your prejudice is all-consuming and that shit ain't healthy.
Nope, I'm pointing out that Corbyn praised a regime with a laundry list of human rights abuses because hes enamoured by an ideology of state interventionism in peoples lives and this has always led to authoritarianism.
But youve at least admitted Castro tortured people after several weeks of ignoring it despite stark evidence.
I'd call that progress :)
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