
Wednesday 3 April 2019

Furious Tories are cutting up their membership cards in protest at Theresa May

When Theresa May announced that she was going to reach out to Jeremy Corbyn to find some kind of Brexit compromise, most people saw it as the Tory trap it is. She's simply casting around for other politicians to take a share of the blame for the chaotic and humiliating Brexit farce she's created through her own incompetence, inflexibility, hubris, weak leadership, and outright malice.

A lot of Tory members didn't see it that way though, and in the immediate aftermath of her speech Twitter was suddenly full of Tories cutting up their membership cards in protest at the mere idea that Brexit should be attempted as anything other than a closed Tory shop run exclusively for Tory party advantage.

This is a pretty weird place for Tory party members to draw the line when you think about it.

Here's just some of the stuff that gave these card-cutters no cause to quit the party over the last 9 years.

  • The Tories' economically and morally reprehensible austerity policies (wage repression, public service cuts, vandalism of the social safety net, and catastrophic under-investment in the drivers of future economic prosperity like infrastructure, education, and affordable housing).
  • All the broken Tory promises that the budget deficit would have been completely eliminated by 2015 (it's still there in 2019!).
  • Unlawful Tory Tribunal Fees that were designed to price workers out of the justice system and defend bad bosses from paying out compensation for abuse and discrimination of their workers.
  • And let's not forget Theresa May's unbelievably incompetent handling of the Brexit process that's resulted in the farcical national humiliation of overshooting her own Brexit deadline and begging the EU for more time because nobody with any sense wants to approve the rubbish deal she's cobbled together.
They were perfectly fine with all of this maliciousness and incompetence over the last 9 years, and it's only now, when Theresa May cynically tries to drag Jeremy Corbyn into her own Brexit mess, that these Tory tribalists resort to online temper tantrums and publicly quit the party!

I guess it's good that they're getting there in the end, but their wilful blindness to all the harm their beloved party has done to our nation and our economy, and the sheer ridiculousness of their final reason for quitting suggest that they're hardly likely to become less venal and selfish people now that they've abandoned active Toryism.

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  2. Labour should not agree to anything with the Tories.
    Force an election.
    Anything Labour agrees to now will be 'renegotiated' by the Tories at the next stage anyway if they remain in power.
    The Tories' electoral prospects are currently terrible - and they know it (hence the offer to compromise) - why damage Labour's too by joining in with this Tory mess?

  3. She's going down and trying to take Corbyn with her. NEVER trust a Tory!

  4. If Theresa May had involved Parliment from the beginning and actually listened to the EU during the negotiations the current crisis would never have happened. Everyone, Remainer or Leaver, should be outraged with her handling of this.

  5. Are they still in power..anyone got a bayliff number to evict them..NO Overhaul majority..

  6. Outstanding post. Funny, how after 9 years of outrageous policies these Tory members suddenly, magically, develop a conscience. Sums up perfectly for me why Aneurin Bevan called them "lower than vermin".

    A friend of mine used to work at one of the local conservative clubs as a barmaid, back when Cameron first got into power. The 18 months or so she spent working there was more than enough for her to develop hard line anti Tory views, having dealt with them when they've had a couple of pints. After this I hope many more start to see them for their true colours.

  7. Speaking as someone who does typically vote Tory, and also voted Remain, I am hugely disappointed with their handling of the whole Brexit negotiations. I am also incredibly disappointed in the conduct of the Labour Party.

    The harsh reality is that Parliament voted by a huge majority to hold a referendum. Both the Tories and Labour campaigned in the GE on Brexit tickets. Both parties said the would honour and respect the outcome of the referendum and Parliamentarians voted by a huge majority to invoke Article 50.

    As we know, parliament is made up up mainly of "remainers" and the simple facts are that through mendacity, scheming, and contempt for the electorate, we now face the position where Parliament is most likely to consolidate around some variant of a Customs Union, being close to the single market and free movement.

    Regardless of one's personal views on Brexit, the notion that that outcome respects and honours the outcome of the referendum is just bull****.

    Whilst they all play their games, in isolation, in the Westminster bubble, I am sure they are enjoying themselves hugely. However, the local elections are coming soon and I rather suspect that representatives of both the Tories and Labour are going to feel the ire of the electorate for their conduct and behaviour.

    The Tories went wrong when they elected a Remainer as their leader and set their ambitions for a deal so low. Labour have been despicable throughout. Corbyn is a man without principles as any quick search on youtube will show his real feelings towards the EU. For the Labour Party to conclude that the 70% of their constituencies that voted by a majority to Leave - actually wanted to be in the customs union and keep free movement is just a complete betrayal of their voters.

    .... Cant wait for the May "locals"! No idea who I will vote for, but it wont be the Tories or Labour.

    1. Labour followed a strategy voted for by its membership. They didn't betray anybody.

    2. Except half the county who voted leave seeing as they campaigned on the 2017 GE as leaving the E.U and Cornyn has now pushed for a second referendum.

  8. "......and the simple facts are that through mendacity, scheming, and contempt for the electorate, we now face the position where Parliament is most likely to consolidate around some variant of a Customs Union, being close to the single market and free movement.

    Regardless of one's personal views on Brexit, the notion that that outcome respects and honours the outcome of the referendum is just bull****. Anonymous @ 04 April, 2019 12:35

    That would a good story were it not itself complete bull****. I think you need to revisit the referendum debate, here's a good place to start : -

    Add to the above the deliberate 'destructive' ambiguity of the official leave campaign which, despite having a well thought out exit plan offered to them, decided instead to campaign without even the barest outline of a strategy to leave the EU, preferring instead to adopt a position that allowed them to promise all things to all men.

  9. Reply to Gulliver Foyle at 12.59 above.

    Unfortunately, you missed the point. The issue is that Leave campaigners haven't been responsible for negotiating the exit. Have you been living under a rock? It is Remainers that have done the negotiations and have are doing everything they can to stop an exit, abetted by Parliament. That is, of course their right.. but let us not confuse that with honouring or respecting the outcome of the referendum.

    May has proved herself to be a liar with all of her "the UK will leave the EU on 29th March" bull****" and the "no deal is better than a bad deal" bollo***". And Corbyn's views on the EU are well known to anyone that actually can "google". He is just another slimy opportunist looking for a way to gain power - and to hell with principles or conscience.

    A plague on both their houses! I hope that plague starts spreading on 2nd May.

  10. @ Anon - 05 April, 2019 14:51

    Unfortunately I quoted one of the points you were making and rebutted it directly with evidence. If the various Leave campaigns deliberately and mendaciously campaigned without outlining their preferred way out of the EU (preferring instead to offer a whole host of options that would be open to the UK upon voting to leave, see previously linked thread) then they only have themselves to blame for what is happening now.

    And it is pretty laughable that you claim that those who campaigned to leave were not in charge of the process given that every Dexeu Secretary of State has been a leaver. That these people have been unable to get the deal they claim they wanted is more a reflection on their own inability to reconcile their pipe dreams with reality than anything more sinister.

    But you're quite correct, T May is indeed a liar, but she has been for some considerable time now, which you would know unless you've been living under a rock..........

  11. Reply to Gulliver Foyle at 14.51

    I can see that you are obviously an intelligent person and can cleverly argue a position. However, I can also see that you are disingenuous and dishonest - which aligns you nicely with what we have been watching in Parliament.

    If you believe that those that voted "Leave" will accept Labour's (or the Tory's) version of what that means then, personally, I think you mistaken. In your case I think that you have confused the utterings of the momentum nut jobs with those of a typical Labour voter - they are not the same thing.

    Time will tell.

  12. @ Anonymous - 08 April, 2019 11:20

    "However, I can also see that you are disingenuous and dishonest""

    So tell me, how have I been "disingenuous and dishonest", what have I written that makes you write this?

    I mean, we can disagree and that's fine but calling me an insincere liar after just a couple of exchanges, where only one of us has actually brought some evidence to the table, is a bit rich isn't it?

  13. @ Gulliver Foyle:

    Firstly the twitter link you sent is a 2015 E.U legislation that is actually trumped by the UK legislation surrounding article fifty. I mean the fact that you still want to clearly remain in the E.U despite the plethora of evidence that they're pro-austerity (Greece, the fucking 2009 Austerity policies the European Institute came up with? Fuck me mate, keep up) and you think that a piece of legislation that demands a condition to leave the E.U be that there's another member state who's already left... When there were no other member states who'd left when this was written in 2015... kind of shows you the morality of the wannbe superstate… but you're ok with that. That's cool, I'm sure you sleep incredibly soundly at night.

    "Add to the above the deliberate 'destructive' ambiguity of the official leave campaign which, despite having a well thought out exit plan offered to them, decided instead to campaign without even the barest outline of a strategy to leave the EU, preferring instead to adopt a position that allowed them to promise all things to all men."

    Gerard Batten the incumbent UKIP leader had actually written a book on how to leave, Farage had a plan outlined. Ukip went to parliament three days after the referendum and they were shown the door. seeing as UKIP were realistically the lead in that campaign: You're full of shit there spud. LOL.

    "Unfortunately I quoted one of the points you were making and rebutted it directly with evidence. If the various Leave campaigns deliberately and mendaciously campaigned without outlining their preferred way out of the EU (preferring instead to offer a whole host of options that would be open to the UK upon voting to leave, see previously linked thread) then they only have themselves to blame for what is happening now." you didn't rebut with evidence, you rebutted with a dishonest E.U policy (there aren't many honest one's, *cough* TTIP *Cough*, you corporatist wanker x x) from a twitter feed. That's not evidence, that's a poor line of reasoning because you don't understand European and UK state law.

  14. Part deux @Gully "not a chance in hell of living up to that name you dirty socialist" Foyle

    Lol, Christ you're full of shit on this one as well: Parliament is majority leave, that's so fucking blatantly obvious by now I'd have thought I wouldn't need citation, but you've gone and fucked up a conversation again so lets salvage some dignity for you, hell you might learn something:
    73% Remainers in parliament! Dear me Gully (you really are not worthy of the name sake of one of the greatest space adventurers and liberal spirits in fiction considering you're a socialist authoritarian who's absolutely fine with corporations running our lives and austerity... Bit I digress...

    Your point about Brexiteers controlling parliament and having it blow up in their faces is somewhat nullified when the brexiteers are not only massively outnumberered: But also not on the front bench. You'd think there might be a bit of bias when a bunch of professed corporatists (the tory front bench) all want to remain in the E.U which is, surprise surprise, pro austerity and run by corporations. Fuck me Foyle, you really didn't think this one through did you? 73%! Lol! That's a massive overlap for remain, the fuck have you been living? A rock? Even Piers Morgan stated this on GM TV (as well as it being widely reported).

    "That these people have been unable to get the deal they claim they wanted is more a reflection on their own inability to reconcile their pipe dreams with reality than anything more sinister" The hell am I supposed to say to this facile lie? The front bench are all remained, they've clearly got business interests in remaining in the E.U... You are aware that may herself is married to the CEO of a transnational company with links to the E.U? You do get that right? I mean Thomas actually reported (truthfully for a change) on that some years ago with the mass privitisation of swathes of the police force in favour of private contracts too... can you guess? Are you that seriously dense you didn't think that a majority remain parliament with an entirely remain front bench with prodigious business links to a corporate haven like the E.U... would try to foil Brexit?

    Chirst, this got a it long didn't it? Anyway, sort your life out LOL>

  15. If the free trad deal the Brexiteers want isn't possible, how come Donald Tusk offered one three weeks ago?
